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GasBuddy Bug List

A list of problems discovered in the full site, mobile site and mobile phone apps and their status. If a new problem is suspected, it is recommended that the Help Center and the forum Talk Back To Us category topics first be consulted, and, if warranted, the problem be posted in the forum and reported via the GBO help Center request E-mail page.
This page is attached to the GB-Guides wiki, but is not listed as a guide.

Shortened URL for this list:


  1. A new bug should cause a topic to be created in the forum, preferably in the Talk Back to Us category.
  2. A new bug is entered into a new row of the appropriate the table below.
  3. The new row includes a link to the topic number at for viewing only. (It is not possible to log into If it is desirable to reply in the topic, please log into and access the topic from your state/province/metro-area site.)
  4. If in the same topic a member confirms the bug, the confirmation is entered into the same row. Any second or greater report topic for a bug is deemed to be a confirming topic.
  5. If in a different topic a member confirms the bug, the confirmation is entered into a separate new row created for the purpose. (This could result in there being many confirmation rows following the reporting row. The intent is to list all topics about the same bug to create a history.) A confirming row will only show:
    1. The same Bug ID and Bug Name in the expected columns,
    2. The additional topic's number in the Forum Topic column,
    3. The additional topic's OP date in the Confirm Date column.
    4. The additional topic's author in the Confirming Member column,
    5. Optional numbered table notes (seen below each table).
    6. Optional numbered list notes (seen at the bottom of this List).


1. Table column usage:

  • ? (Bug status) - This column will have a plus sign (+) when the bug is fixed or an x if it is concluded there is no bug (false alarm).
  • Bug ID - The bug ID number is the posting date-time-group (adjusted to Eastern time zone) of the original post (OP) of the forum topic where the bug was first announced in order to assure a unique number. (Any GBO Help Center case posting time will likely be different.)
  • Reporting Member - The nickname of the member first reporting the bug, except in additional rows, the nickname(s) of others who have reported it.
  • Bug Name - The bug name necessarily incorporates a brief description of the bug. See the forum topic OP and replies for details.
  • Forum Topic - A link to the topic where the bug was first announced. Multiple links will be listed as separate lines in the table having the same ID, but leaving other columns blank.
  • Case Number - The Zendesk-issued case number seen in the immediate auto-response E-mail when the Help Center is used to report the problem. The reporting member should post it the reporting topic so that it can be entered here.
  • Confirm Date - The date that another member confirmed the bug.
  • Confirming Member - The nickname of the first member to confirm the bug.
  • Fix Date - The date the bug has been discovered to be fixed or it has been concluded that there is no bug. Unless otherwise noted, all fixes are reported by a moderator in the topic where the bug was reported.
  • Notes - Optional numbered table notes.
  1. Note usage:
  • Numbered table notes appearing in any table are displayed immediately below that table; they do not apply to any other table.
  • Numbered list notes appear at the bottom of the list and apply to the list as a whole.


Full Site Bugs

? Bug ID[1] Reporting
Bug Name Forum
Case Confirm
+ 20161104190231 CampKohler Photo Albums: Pix count/max count wrong. 659248 20161104 TxJeans
+ 20160914175451 CampKohler Member Points: Table/link collision on page. 654051 90583 20160915 Ryan (GBO) 20160915
+ 20160912192153 gax Points History: Unreadable due to font colors used. 653853 20160912 TxJeans 20160915
+ 20160912192153 Points History: Unreadable due to font colors used. 654039 20160915 dakirw 20160915
+ 20160912192153 Points History: Unreadable due to font colors used. 654119 20160915 zcolt45 20160915
20160820152816 CampKohler Photo: Initial caption too short for final caption. 652175 80390
+ 20160731174838 CampKohler Ads overlay banner menu and/or page content. 650566 76235 ?
+ 20160731174838 Ads overlay banner menu and/or page content. 650120 20160725 SEBROCK ?
+ 20160731174838 Ads overlay banner menu and/or page content. 650081 20160731 rgpiccone ?
20150528174234 jt4703 PC monitor screen: Pages now too wide. 612345 20150529 TxJeans
20150513122339 LarryMarg Thank You page: "There's a newer price." 611007 20150707 Bytebug
20150513122339 Thank You page: "There's a newer price." 612646 20150701 Darrel_H.
20150513122339 Thank You page: "There's a newer price." 616815 20150708 deebythesea
20150513122339 Thank You page: "There's a newer price." 621959 20150813 abright52
20150103260529 GoGoGoodyear Reported prices erased tabbing out of Address field. 605401 20150326 CampKohler
20150103015947 2ty Fuel Logbook: Expense non-refresh on year edit 596446 20150104 CampKohler

Mobile Site Bugs (

? Bug ID Reporting
Bug Name Forum
Case Confirm
20161118150630 eccerr0r Classic mobile site (only) shows blank prices. 657208 20161119 CampKohler

Multi-platform (Phone-independent) App Bugs

? Bug ID Reporting
Bug Name Forum
Case Confirm
201607???????? davisadm 30-min delays between repeat reports ignored. 649469 20160716 gmarn
20160322152100 ERJAY If Top Spotters tie, loser has total zeroed. 640849 20160323 Ryan (GBO)
20150711093930 JamesCalvin Hm pg price/trends section shows wrong metro-area. 618048 20150711 ThunderX1
20150711093930 Hm pg price/trends section shows wrong metro-area. 628164 20151026 tnikodem
20150401151508 CampKohler MSL edit: Int. fail to transfer MSL feature change. 605948 [2]
20150401151508 MSL edit: Int. fail to transfer MSL feature change. 647035 20160613 cphwi
20150401151508 MSL edit: Int. fail to transfer MSL feature change. 647041 20160613 Itsmorph
+ 201503081646 RingoBell9 Iron Man Award unexpectedly resets to 0%. 603906 20150309 mackcj 20150302

Android App Bugs

? Bug ID Reporting
Bug Name Forum
Case Confirm
20150722115408 DavisSta New credit prices show as both C&C prices. 619054 20150725 maynard420
20150219055236 GLOCK51 Screen flashes black when switching to new station. 601469 20150215 GB500TT

iPhone App Bugs

? Bug ID Reporting
Bug Name Forum
Case Confirm
+ 20160510141000 rgpiccone Beep-Beep appears after stopped and too often. 647622 56550 20160623 CampKohler [3]
20150117152042 CampKohler Report Prices page: Intermittent appearance of price fields. 597761 20150117 Byte_Doctor [4]

Windows App Bugs

? Bug ID Reporting
Bug Name Forum
Case Confirm
20150123134255 aroundtuit Fails to locate by GPS reliably. 598267 20150223 JedGB

List Notes:

  1. Adjusted to Eastern time.
  2. Bug condition was reset for the station that prompted this report, but. as expected, later stations had bug condition, all of which have probably been cleared by now.
  3. Bug no longer relevant due to Beep-Beep message use being discontinued.
  4. This bug continues to be seen after at least three new versions have been published, now at v3.0.2.

Please send any corrections/contributions/organizational suggestions to CampKohler via PM, whiteboard or by E-mail to campkohler at hotmail dot com.

Version: 20161119 4:08 PM PST --CampKohler
Backup: 20161119 --CampKohler
